Basic fields are defined as From -˃ To:
PaymentID -˃ ID
A Primary Key is defined by an asterisk:
PaymentID -˃ ID *
The width of a fixed width field is indicated by a number in square brackets:
PaymentID -˃ ID [10] *
A hidden field is indicated by a minus sign:
- PaymentReference
A hidden field can be used in an evaluated expression:
= Text.Mid((string)data['PaymentReference '], 3)
If you define a Primary Key (e.g. Payment Line ID) the Shipment functionality will ensure that any payment will export only once - each new export will include all payments that have not yet been 'Shipped', and those payments will then be logged so that they don't appear again in a future export.
⚠️ The 'Shipment' is specific to the Export - a payment 'Shipped' in one export will be eligible to 'Ship' again in a different export.