Recurring Payments > API

Creating A Plan

Add Customer & Plan

Recurring Payments uses a Customer -˃ Plan "One-To-Many" data structure; but in order to make things simple, you can add both together, using the Plan:ADD API.

The keys are Customer Reference and Plan Reference - these are YOUR identifiers, from YOUR system, which identify your customer. (If you only have one identifier, you can use the same value for both.) Typically these will be the keys from YOUR system - e.g. "Customer ID".

(For an example of how to use our REST API, see here.)

This API allows you to send the Payment Plan details to Adelante to set up the Plan, including First Payment Amount, Recurring Amount and Schedule Frequency. (You don't need to tell us the Number of Payments or the Final Payment Amount - we work that out for you!)

You don't have a Card Token yet, so leave these fields blank - we will add the token below!

Add A Token

The "Token" is a proxy for the card number, which we store on your behalf, which will be used to take future payments.

The best way to do this is to take an initial payment using 3D Secure, which provides an extra degree of reassurance that the card is valid and owned by the user.

It is important for PCI compliance that your customer enters their card details on OUR system, so in order to do this, we generate a special link for you - you can either send it to your customer in an email or text message, or redirect them to it when they are on your web site.

To generate this link, call the "PAYMENT LINK" function of the Plan API (see above) - you will get back a link that looks something like this:

When you customer visits this link they will be prompted to enter their card details to make the initial payment, and the card token will then be stored on the Plan.

Payment Notifications

We can notify you via a web service when a payment has been authorised - this notification will include the Payment Reference (which by default will be the Plan Reference, though this can be changed in the UI for Manual Payments) and the Customer Reference. See here for how this works.

Other APIs

The Customer and Plan Maintenance APIs allow you to make changes to a plan - e.g. changing the Status to Cancel a Plan.

What You Need

Ask Us For:

  • Your Recurring Payments Account ID - THIS IS AN INTEGER and NOT THE SAME as your ConnectPay Account ID (sorry!)
  • A "Service" User Login - Email + Password
Last Updated on 19 Jan 2021 by Syd Egan
© Adelante Software Ltd 2025