SmartPay > Scheduler

You can use the scheduler to automatically run your imports and exports at set times.

Setting Up A Task

Before you create a schedule, you need to create a Task, which will contain the Steps to run.

From the 'Schedules' page, click 'Tasks' and add a new Task - a Task is a series of Steps which will run on after another.

💡 On Error defines how the system should behave if one of the Steps fails - should it 'Stop' dead and not even try any subsequent Steps, or should it 'Continue' and complete any subsequent Steps.

Once you've saved the Task, you can click on 'Steps' to add Steps.

Setting Up A Schedule

Once you have created your Task, you can set up a Schedule to run your task - go back to Schedules and click 'Add New' to add a Schedule.

  • Name - The name of your schedule - e.g. 'Daily Exports'
  • Task - The Task to run
  • Date - The date / time the schedule is next run - this will be recalculated every run
  • Days - The days on which the schedule is run
  • Repeat - When your schedule is repeated
  • Interval - The repeat interval - e.g. setting Repeat = Daily and Interval = 2 will run the Schedule every other day
  • Active - Whether or not the Schedule is Active

⚠️ If Repeat = None the schedule will not repeat after the initial run - use this for setting up one-off schedules which you only want to run once.

Last Updated on 10 Feb 2021 by Syd Egan
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